Iron Studies Package Detail

  • Iron Studies

Parameter Included: 1

Iron is a mineral that the body obtains through meals such as red meat and cereals rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Price : ZK885.00 / ZK349.00

Parameter Included:

Sample Collection

Doctor Consultation

Test booked

Report Time

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  • Test Details
  • Overview
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ron is a mineral that the body obtains through meals such as red meat and cereals rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as supplements. Iron is required for the production of red blood cells. Hemoglobin, a protein in your blood that helps deliver oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body, contains iron. Iron is also necessary for the proper functioning of muscles, bone marrow, and organs. Too little or too much iron in the body can create significant health issues.
To evaluate your body's iron levels, the Iron Studies test in Gurgaon detects various components in the blood. A blood test for iron can indicate if you have too much or too little of this element in your body. It can detect diseases such as anemia and iron excess. The doctor can recommend the iron studies test if you exhibit certain symptoms like headaches, weakness, and fatigue, accelerated heartbeat, abdominal pain, joint pain, tiredness, and dizziness.

Timely screening can help you in avoiding illnesses and with Healthians Iron Studies you can keep a track of your health in the best way because Healthians is India's leading health test @ home service with more than 20 lac satisfied customers across 140+ cities. The Iron Studies available in Gurgaon has 4 parameters that give you a clear idea of your health. You can choose Iron Studies available in Gurgaon or other packages better suited for you to keep your health in check.

  • What is included in Iron Studies?

    "Iron Studies includes following tests: Serum Iron, Unsaturated Iron Binding Capacity, Total Iron- Binding Capacity and Transferrin Saturation."

  • What is Normal Iron Level?

    The Normal Iron Levels in Male: 13.5-17.5g/dl and Normal Iron Levels in Female: 12-15.5g/dl.

  • What are the symptoms of Iron Deficiency?

    "Some of the common symptoms of Iron Deficiency are Brittle Nails, Shortness of Breath, Hair Fall, Palpitations, Dizziness and Headache."

Iron Studies

Brandon H. Morris

I have had nothing but wonderful service from them. I would highly recommend them and I would hire them again.

Brandon H. Morris

I have had nothing but wonderful service from them. I would highly recommend them and I would hire them again.

Brandon H. Morris

I have had nothing but wonderful service from them. I would highly recommend them and I would hire them again.

Virginia G. Cole

The extractable organics GC/MS work was well documented, the best I have seen from a commercial lab.


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